Captain + Crew
We encourage all who have flown with us to join the crew as trained and paid co-facilitators, bringing the flight to other groups and cross-pollinating ideas, communities and sectors. Our growing crew includes artists, corporate executives, social workers, lawyers, therapists, environmental activists, social entrepreneurs, media professionals, educators, and a few doctors too.
The Crew is an evolving, engaged and engaging group of people from all walks of life with Captain Schutt ever at the controls of BS Airlines.

Captain Schutt
Before taking to the friendly skies, Captain Becky Schutt was a long-standing Lecturer and Arts Fellow at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School teaching MBA students from over 30 countries. Over the past 20 years, she has faclitated strategic planning and intercultural dialogue workshops for governments, NGOs, flagship cultural institutions, universities, and social entrepreneurs in over 20 countries from Brazil, USA and Egypt to Russia, Malaysia and the UK.
Schutt is known for motivating teams + boards, artists, students and entrepreneurs at the intersection of culture, social impact and business, higher education, humanitarian assistance, foreign policy, and the climate emergency.
Schutt led British Council’s Developing Inclusive & Creative Economies (DICE), a $12m global program focused on the role of creative and social enterprises in redressing rising unemployment and underemployment, focused on women, young people (18-35) and people with disabilities. Co- delivered in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, South Africa and the UK, DICE was cited as a 'bold innovation in international development' and ‘a model for 21st century leadership, encouraging new thinking and horizontal collaborations across disciplines, countries and continents' . The external evaluation concluded that “DICE provided a roadmap for integrating economic, social and cultural impacts in a newly holistic way.” A collection of art about DICE by 15 international artists - - exploring power dynamics and generosity - will be on view at Princeton University's School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) in 2025.
Today she facilitates the British Council's Venice Fellowship Program at the International Venice Arts & Architecture Biennales, the longest standing fair in the world. Under her collaborative leadership, for the first time in the Art Biennale's 125-year history, people who had been homeless, refugees, or have full-time carers welcomed visitors through the British Pavilion doors. Almost 70% of the Fellows - from 20 nations - had previously experienced barriers to careers in the arts because of classism, homelessness, racism, disability, sexuality, age, educational attainment, nationality, gender, and/or ethnicity, and likely some combination thereof.
“This is by far the best course I've had at Judge Business School...It builds perfectly on the JBS ethos of collaboration and building relationships beyond the classroom.”
Schutt is Partner at Giving Connect - strengthening impact and connecting capital for private foundations and for-purpose organizations in Australia, East Africa, Southeast Asia and the USA including So They Can and Classroom of Hope.
She is a mentor at NEWINC at The New Museum, an incubator of media, art, design, science, and technology working with Lisa Jamhoury Studios, Dreamspace, and Talking Animals. She coaches Youngwilders (UK-youth-led nature recovery), and is a Trustee of Arts & Homelessness International, a network of 400+ charities in 40 countries. She is a founding advisor to Amuzn, a new marketplace for creative services, creating micro-employment opportunities for artists in the informal economy the world over.
She is also a Trustee of Crossing Borders Education, a Scottish-based international charity that offers travel programs and peer-led dialogue for thousands of young people in and between 30+ countries, including in collaboration with Outrage+Optimism: The Climate Podcast, Purdue University's Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR) and Cisco Technology Ltd's Green Team.
Schutt set up and chaired the UK's National Relaxed Performance Pilot in 2010 with Kirsty Hoyle and Jeremy Newton, catalyzing now global best practice in theatre access for people with severe autism, and is former Chair of Hoipolloi Theatre. Among other projects, she co-authored the cultural strategy of Dubai in 2008; and the landmark feasibility study for The National Contemporary Art Gallery of Wales, which opened as a distributed 'bracelet' model in 2024.
Her full biography, professional portfolio and influencers in art, science and business are here. She doesn't have a pilot license but has been on a plane, so surely must know what she's doing (rhetorical).
Becky Schutt, Captain
Kam-Mei Chak, Co-Pilot
Bethany McShepherd, Co-Pilot
Janie Skuse, Co-Pilot
Susie Schutt, Jump-Seat Director
Lilah Tanner, Cabin Service Director
Cara Melissa Hirsch, Light Snack Technician
Alkestid Sterjo, Inflight Catering Manager
Marcio Juni Sono, Air (g)host
Ben Street, Inflight Art Historian
Sam Spedding, Second Class Maintenance Engineer
Joseph Tanner, Head of Security and BSA Pre-check
Nicholas Heller, Air Traffic Control
Tonye Ekine, Aviation Lounge Director
Jack Durant
Jamie Inman
Joseph Ijoyemi
Israel Ijoyemi
Rebecca King-Lassman
Gaby Lawrie
Cordelia Hill
Lison Sabrina Musset
Kat Pegler
David Tovey
Alisan Kavookjian
Grace Wuertz
Saloon International
We are continuously developing the methodology of Business Class©, drawing on the vast experience of our passengers. Each flight builds upon the last.
“What a thrill to take to the skies with Business Class, powered by pure creativity. Whether you are one of the privileged few experiencing the unbound luxury of the upper classes, or one of the many squished into economy, your experience will be rich and delightful… I know for sure my own experience was surprisingly deep and definitely fun!”